
Silver Fish Remediation Preparations

All flooring should be thoroughly vacuumed. Particular attention should be given to harborage
areas, such as along baseboards.

  • All lower cupboards in the kitchen and bathrooms must be emptied.
  • All shelf paper should be removed and discarded.
  • Move furniture away from walls @ least 2 feet.
  • The floor areas of closets should be cleared out.
  • It is recommended to replace cardboard storage boxes with plastic bins.
  • Aquariums should be covered with the air intake turned off.
  • Occupants and pets must vacate for 4 hours.
  • Pregnant women, children 2 and under, people with respiratory problems, people with
    autoimmune deficiencies, and or chemical sensitivities should remain away for at least 24

Following Treatment

  • Ventilate upon re-entry by opening doors and windows.
  • Do not wash floors or baseboards for at least 4 weeks

Preparation is important and necessary for a silverfish treatment to be effective